Kapok is a fluffy, silky yellowish fiber,
similar in feel to milkweed or down. Kap
ok is similar to cotton in that both fibres are found around the plant seeds, rather than extracted from the stem or leaves. Individual fibres are 1.2 to 3.6 (0.47 to 1.41 inches)long, averaging 1.9cm (0.78 inch), Kapok is a moisture-resistant, quick-drying, resilient, and buoyant fibre. Typical analyses indicate that the Kapok fibers comprise 64% cellulose, 13% lignin and 23% pentosan. The hollow core makes kapok very light, 8 times lighter than cotton by volume. Kapok is chiefly cultivated in Asia; the kapok fibre important product of Pakistan.
ok is similar to cotton in that both fibres are found around the plant seeds, rather than extracted from the stem or leaves. Individual fibres are 1.2 to 3.6 (0.47 to 1.41 inches)long, averaging 1.9cm (0.78 inch), Kapok is a moisture-resistant, quick-drying, resilient, and buoyant fibre. Typical analyses indicate that the Kapok fibers comprise 64% cellulose, 13% lignin and 23% pentosan. The hollow core makes kapok very light, 8 times lighter than cotton by volume. Kapok is chiefly cultivated in Asia; the kapok fibre important product of Pakistan.
Fibre has been used in spinning for knitting and weaving, Kapo
k is also used as
stuffing for pillows, cushions, zafu and upholstery, as insulation material,
and as a substitute for absorbent cotton in surgery. The Kapok Fibre has been
used in life preservers and other water-safety equipment. During the war, kapok
was employed for insulating tanks, for lining aviation suits, for filling
floats of army assault-bridges, and generally for replacing cork wherever
lightness, moisture-resistance and floating power were needed. Kapok also used
to fill life jackets.
We make many
types and sizes of pillows to suite your comfort needs. A great pillow makes
all the difference in the world. Pillows continue to be one of our most popular
products. A pillow is a cushion support for the head or other parts of the
body, usually used while sleeping on a bed, or for the body as used on a couch
or chair. As a pillow manufacturer our systems and experience ensure
professional services to an array of industries in the market like: designers,
decorators, hospitals, hotels, and department stores.
A cushion is a soft bag of some
ornamental material, stuffed with natural kapok fibre, polyester fibre, ball
fibre or other fibre that depending on buyer demand. It may be used for sitting
or kneeling upon, or to soften the hardness or angularity of a chair or
couch.The cushion is a very ancient article of furniture; the inventories of
the contents of palaces and great houses in the early Middle Ages constantly
made mention of them.
The Zafu and Zafu
Meditation Cushion Set is a set of one Zafu and one Zafu Meditation Cushion.
Typical zafu are about 35 centimeters (14 in) in diameter, and often about 20
centimeters (8 in) high when fluffed. Contemporary zafus are sewn from three
pieces of heavy cloth, usually colored black: two round swatches of equal size
for the top and the bottom of the cushion, and a long rectangle that is sewn
into gathers in between. They are typically filled with kapok fibre, viscose
fibre, polyester fibre.
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